Friends of Historic Heishman’s Mill receives partial grant support for Structural and Interpretative Survey of the Mill
FHHM has contracted with two historic Mill professionals to complete an extensive structural review of the Mill to highlight any necessary repairs and to plan for the long term use of the building as an educational and historical center. The contract will also include an outline of how best to “Tell the story of the Mill, local families, and the history of the area”. FHHM would like to thank the National Trust for Historic Preservation, The South Mountain Partnership and the Society for the Preservation of Old Mills (SPOOM) for their grant support. Thanks also to our generous local supporters who care greatly about preserving the history of our area.
Fish Habitat and Portage: RIBBON CUTTING AND OPEN HOUSE November 14, 2024

The rain held off just long enough for us to enjoy the Ribbon Cutting celebrating the completion of the Portage Project and Fish Habitat. Shown above from left to right are FHHM board members Davis Tracy, Vice President, Vern Graham, Treasurer, Ed Franco, President . Cutting the ribbon is Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn from DCNR, Drew Dehoff, Exec. Dir. of SRBC, Representative Barb Gleim, and Tim Schaeffer , Exec. Dir of the PAFBC. FHHM received primary funding from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, Boating Facilities Program, and from DCNR’s rivers program, along with a mini grant from SRBC to fund construction of the portage and launch.
Comments and congratulations were shared by our important guests. Approximately 60 neighbors, members, contractors and invited county and local officials also attended. Brief tours of the interior of the Mill were offered along with some local cider and cookies. Check out our Portage Project Page for additional photos of the completed project.
The Mill owners, Randy and Angie Heishman have been actively involved in the planning for this project and generously donated a 27 year recreational easement. FHHM has agreed to maintain the improvements over the life span of these improvements.
Ways to get involved
FHHM welcomes new members, volunteers, as well as those who may be interested in serving on a committee or on the Board of Directors.
Members are welcome at all events and will be kept informed of news and special events via email. Please consider becoming a member.
Monthly Board of Directors Meetings
Next Monthly Board Meeting, September 18, 2024 at 4 pm at the Mill, 1206 Creek Road, Carlisle, Pa. 17015. Contact Board President Ed Franco 717 576 7498 ( for more information and to receive an agenda. All are welcome.
Annual Creek Sojourn

The Heishman’s Mill Sojourn is a 15+ mile adventure on the Conodoguinet Creek, Class 1 water, from the Newburg Gamelands launch to Heishman’s Mill. A brief presentation of the Heishman’s Mill History will precede the shuttle to the Newburg Gamelands put-in. Safety personnel will be introduced to the sojourners, and a Safety Briefing given, prior to the launching of water craft. The duration of the trip will be approximately 4 hours, Waterfowl species will be described to paddlers before starting the sojourn, and courtesy suggestions for accommodating fishermen will be presented. Food and refreshments will be provided at the end of the paddle, as well as briefing on the proposed Fish Habitat Structure and Boat launch and portage around the Mill Dam.
We filled up quickly in 2023 and 2024! “History and a Sojourn? What could be better?”
Spring 2025 typically the first weekend in May. Date to be announced soon.
All paddlers will meet at Heishman’s Mill 1206 Creek Road Carlisle on the day of the Sojourn.
Sojourn Signup DOWNLOAD PDF below
General Information .
$25/Am. Canoe Assoc member with own kayak or canoe. $35/person non ACA member (due to insurance requirement)
A canoe or kayak can be rented for $25 with advance registration (E.G. $60 total for non-ACA member$35 +1 canoe$25, w/paddles,& PFD )
Watercraft type & Length_(e.g.canoe 17’)__________________________ or Rented (_____)
PFDs (Life Jackets) are required, and must be worn on the Sojourn. Shuttle service will be provided to all paddlers so you can have access to your vehicle at Heishman’s Mill at the end of the day on the Creek.
Post Sojourn Refreshments: Pizza and soft drinks served at Heishman’s Mill take out
Mill tours will be arranged on a regular basis in the near future. Please stay tuned.