Friends of Historic Heishman’s Mill (FHHM) is a 501 (c) 3 Pennsylvania Corporation incorporated on October 5, 2022. In addition to its status as an approved 501 (c) 3 Charitable Organization for federal income tax purposes, the organization is annually registered with the Pennsylvania Department of State, Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations (BCO registration # 119739). Information about its board of directors and financial statements are available. All contributions are deductible for federal income tax purposes consistent with IRS regulations.
The Mill property was donated to Preservation Pennsylvania in 2017 by the estate of William Foshag, (Davis C. Tracy Executor), the long time owner and preservationist of the Mill. In 2019, a great grandson of the last operating miller, Benjamin F. Heishman, Randy Heishman and his wife Angie purchased the Mill from Preservation Pa. with the preservation easement in place. With some assistance from Preservation Pa., the Heishmans completely restored the exterior of the Mill structure. The Heishmans very generously donated a 27 year recreational easement to FHHM in 2022 which allowed FHHM to apply for funding from PAFBC and DCNR for the Portage Project (see page regarding Portage Project) .

Celebrating the transfer of ownership from the William Foshag Estate, to Preservation Pennsylvania and then to Randy and Angie Heishman insuring the preservation of the Diller Heishman Mill in Perpetuity. Left to right Davis Tracy, Executor of Estate , Julia Chain and Mindy Crawford from Preservation Pennsylvania and Randy Heishman .
A small group of Cumberland County residents created the charitable organization to enhance public access and recreational opportunities on the Mill property and the adjacent Conodoguinet Creek. This effort is in part related to promoting a 25 mile extension of the Conodoguinet Creek Water Trail to Newburg from Carlisle. Our all volunteer board members have contributed many hours of physical labor , project management and professional time as well as personal funds to make projects such as the Portage Project become a reality.

This public / private partnership has benefited the community in terms of creating public access to the Conodoguinet Creek and helped to insure the ongoing preservation and restoration of the Mill. FHHM is currently planning a structural assessment of the Mill itself to guide the Heishmans in planning for future maintenance and utilization of the Mill as an educational and historical center. FHHM has worked closely with many partners including West Pennsboro Township, Cumberland County Planning Department, South Mountain Partnership, The Cumberland County Historical Society, the Susquehanna River Basin Commission as well as State Agencies including PAFBC and DCNR. Please visit our Contact us Page to see how you can become involved and support our ongoing efforts.