

A Testament to History: Heishman’s Mill

Standing tall along the Conodoguinet Creek is a rare gem – Heishman’s Mill, one of the few remaining limestone mills in Central Pennsylvania. This historic structure boasts an existing mill dam and machinery, offering a glimpse into the past and the ingenuity of early water-powered technology.

Recently recognized for its significance, Heishman’s Mill has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places. While the mill dam currently restricts recreational use of the creek, it also presents a unique opportunity. With careful restoration, this dam and the mill itself can be preserved as a testament to the vital role these structures played in Cumberland County’s agricultural and industrial development.

See  Water-Powered Mills of Cumberland County Pennsylvania, 2015, Published by the Cumberland County Historical Society ( Heishman’s Mill pgs. 114-117).

The Mill and Mill dam were donated to Preservation Pennsylvania in 2019 from the estate of William Foshag, a preservationist who owned and maintained the mill from 1976 until his death.

Preserving the Past for the Future: Heishman’s Mill Secured

Thanks to a historic preservation easement established by Preservation Pennsylvania (https://www.preservationpa.org/), Heishman’s Mill is safeguarded for future generations. This legal agreement ensures that the mill’s exterior will retain its historic integrity, no matter who owns it in the years to come.

Fortunately, the community gained a dedicated steward. A descendant of Howard T. Heishman, who owned the mill from 1940 to 1947, purchased the property from Preservation Pennsylvania. They then undertook significant renovations on the mill’s exterior, breathing new life into this historic landmark.

The current ownership continues the commitment to responsible stewardship. They collaborate with historical organizations and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. This collaboration aims to achieve two important goals:

  • Safe Public Access: Provide safe access to the Conodoguinet Creek Water Trail, encouraging public enjoyment of the waterway.
  • Community Programs: Offer a variety of historical and environmental programs, fostering a deeper understanding of the mill’s significance and the importance of a healthy environment.